Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Presidential Election - fund raising

Reply to Straits Times journalist.

I am setting aside a modest target of $100,00 to $200,000 for the campaign. (I understand that Dr. Tan Cheng Bock is targetting $500,000).

The funds will be used for:

a) Deposit of $48,000 to take part in the election
b) Printing of campaign materials
c) Distribution of campaign materials
d) Out reach activities, e.g. meeting people in markets, train stations, etc
e) Rallies
f) Rental of premises, logistics, contractors, sound system, manpower expenses
g) production of videos to appear in the internet

So far, the donations have been slow. I approached a few companies and wealthy people that could make a significant donation, but they declined - explaining that they prefer to be "neutral". I understand, as they are afraid that their donation will be frowned on by the people in power. The support from the ordinary citizens have also been slow - which is typical of Singaporeans - to wait for the last minute. It is hard for me to plan my activities when the funding is not clear.

I am working on a modest, shoe string budget and will carry out some of the outreach activities and rallies - only when the funds are available. 

I intend to have campaign materials to be distributed to all households (and will need the help of supporters or paid manpower to handle the distribution).

I can meet the expenses on my own, but I want the people to have the chance to contribute financially to the campaign as well. I do not wish to shoulder this arduous task and journey on my own, with the help of a few supporters. I hope that more Singaporeans will come forward to make my campaign into their own campaign as well.

They can read my statements in www.easyapps.sg/tklep


  1. Are you sure you are allowed to raise funds before you even get your COE?

  2. You mean a financially educated and established person like you don't have the means to support your own campaign? Surely $200k should be a small sacrifice to promote yourself to be 'the voice of the people'? Remember it's a calling.

    But of course there is the $4mil annual lottery if you do win so maybe its a form of investment...

    How high the risk factor? you know best...
