Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Message from Tan Kin Lian for President

My name is Tan Kin Lian. I am standing for election as President of Singapore.

Many people have told me that they want a President who can:
  • Be a voice of the people
  • Be independent of the PAP Government
  • Safeguard their CPF money and the national reserves

If you give me your support and I get elected, I promise you that I will carry out these tasks diligently.

I come from a humble family background. When I was a child, I lived in a rented room and had to move residence a few times. Later, I lived in a HDB flat for 7 years. Today, I live in a ordinary house and like many Singaporeans, I have a car but often travel by bus and MRT. 

I understand the struggle of many people who find it difficult to earn enough to meet the cost of living, have to travel in crowded public transport daily and have to face the competition for jobs. I am close to the ordinary people in Singapore and can be your voice to carry your views to the Government.

I have never been a MP or minister in the PAP Government. As President, I will be able to think and act independently of the Government and take a different perspective in looking after the interest of the people of Singapore. I will work in cooperation with the Government to find solutions that are best for the people. 

In my decisions, I will be guided by my personal values of honesty, fairness, positive attitude, courage and public service and by the views of the people (which I will actively seek).

I am qualified and have the financial knowledge to safeguard your CPF money and the national reserves. I had nurtured an insurance company for 30 years, looking after the savings of over 1 million people and managing assets of $17 billion. 

I understand the need to be prudent in our investments, to avoid speculation and to invest for the long term. I can bring this knowledge to the duty of the President in safeguarding the reserves.

I wish to run for President as a public duty. I do not wish to receive a large salary as President and will be willing to donate at least 50% of the salary to charity and other worthy causes.

I hope that you will give me your support and will encourage your friends, colleagues, neighbors to support me. Please help me in spreading this message to them.

Tan Kin Lian
Candidate for President of Singapore


  1. Hi Mr Tan,
    Though the current gov had done a good job in bringing the country up since independence, however I would think many would like to have an independent person:
    - who are resilient,
    - honest,
    - w integrity,
    - does not waiver on pressure,
    - do the right thing,
    - feel for Singaporean

    and at the same time able to look long term for Singapore. success.

    More importantly be the person to at least make changes to the constitution of singapore to have the president and it's review committee have a say in more things. The power given to the president of Singapore is still too little.

    We hope that you will stand up and get elected.

    Wish you the best in your election.

  2. How about saying Hi FiVe, pronouncing the V (V is sounded with upper teeth touching lower lips).

    Instead of saying Hi Fi - stereo system??

    Or the giant who eats little children in the story Jack and the Beanstalk and says Fee Fi Fo Fum! I smell the blood of a human... uurrgh.

    Get a speech trainer for both english and chinese please.

  3. Your decision to maintain NTUC INCOME as a cooperative was of good intent. You had the interest of the people at heart I can still recall those days when it was not easy to purchase a motor insurance. NTUC INCOME, then, made it convenient and affordable for everyone.I can also recall one colleague happily telling me of the dividends and bonuses that she collected during those days.

    The same can be said of NTUC Fairprice. It plays an important role in ensuring adequate food supplies and at fair prices.The market manupilation, hoarding of food by retailers and spikes in prices can now be considered, with some exceptions, things of the past. I happened to visit three European countries recently and Switzerland is one of them. Prices of goods and services are high in these countries but I noticed the COOP Supermarket, which is a cooperative in Switzerland, makes a difference for the Swiss, that is, fair price.

    POSB Bank was carrying out a similar mission for the ordinary citizens but unfortunately...... After the merger,the first thing done was to exploit the large numbers of accounts with the bank by collecting $2 per account which amounts to tens of millions dollars a year. Its name was almost consigned to oblivion quickly to avoid critics and further unhappiness of the citizens, until they finally realised how popular the brand name is - the people's bank.
