Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Example for the young

Hi Mr. Tan Kin Lian,
First salute you for standing up and be counted. This alone is worthy of your endeavor to set an excellent example for younger generations of Singaporeans to emulate and inspire them to participate in the political process.
Secondly, I wish your nomination is successful with a Certificate of Eligibility.
Thirdly, may I suggest that when you campaign, focus on the following aspirations of Singaporeans, especially the younger generations and the more educated:
1) A more just and equal society (fairness is what they are yearning). Be it rich or poor, government scholars or ITE dropouts, 

managers or taxi-drivers, they must be equal partners in nation-building, progress and prosperity. Nobody should be left behind and there must always be a level-playing field for all citizens. They must be equal partners in nation-building, progress and prosperity. Nobody should be left behind and there must always be a level-playing field for all citizens.
2) Separation of the State and political parties, religion, language and race. Regardless of your political views, your religion, language or race, every Singaporean has the same right to participate in the political process, to aspire to be MPs, to aspire to be Prime Minister, President. So such talk as "an Indian is not ready for PM", "I do not apologize to say PAP is Singapore" must be rectified. Patriotism is not the domain of the PAP, it is not the sole-proprietorship of the MIWs. A Singaporean who argues on policies and holds differing political views may be more patriotic, if not equal, to any MIW. As such, I hope the EP can look into the abuse of nation's assets funded by taxpayers (also part of the nation's reserve) for partisan political gain, such as PA, CDCs, HDB upgrading, MRT stations selectively closed in opposition wards, etc.
3) A voice for the people, a change in relationship between the rulers and the citizenry. It must not be a 'father-son', ' Ruler-subject' Confucius paternalistic style, but ' brothers-sisters' helping each other and respecting each other in a same family. Go back on what Mr. Ngiam Tong Dow has said before :
"Sparta was a militaristic city where the leadership was largely self-selected from the best and the fittest through meritocracy. Athens was a civic-minded city where there was diversity of views from the various Philosophers. In the end, Athens survived far longer and better than Sparta. Sparta ended up with dictatorship and elitism."
Singaporeans by and large hate ruthless meritocracy, elitism, although they are competitive and striving in nature.
My best wishes and I will help mobilize support for you in my own way.
TS (Teck Suan) Low


  1. Hi Low, why and how confucius is related here (para 3)?

  2. Alien

    I think he is trying to say that he does not the confucius policies to be practised by the government. he says confucius is paternalistic

  3. @Alien

    A Confucian society is highly stratified with each layer being respectful of the one above. For obvious reasons, those at the top like the emperor and mandarins (ministers in modern day context) enjoy all the privileges while those at the bottom like peasants and servants suffer in silence. People must know their place in this rigid and conformist society, and no one dares ask embarrassing questions of their rulers on pain of losing his head.
