Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Visuals for my campaign

Here are some possible visuals for my campaign.
Please give your rating to each visual (1 to 6) in this survey


  1. Hi Mr Tan,

    My positive impression for you began with your continuous outreach in providing financial assistance to fellow citizens. Although I've not made up my mind yet, I feel that Mr Tan could be a little more down-to-earth when it comes to communicating with Singaporeans, as the electorate is made up of mostly ordinary Singaporeans who might not feel that close to the president compared to MPs, but still hope for a capable & independent president who is willing to connect with Singaporeans from different backgrounds and be an inspirational model like that of late Mr Ong Teng Cheong. Just a penny of my thought, best to you! =]

    1st-time voter

  2. Generally, the people who participate in the survey looks the first 3 visuals. A few have suggested that the visuals can be improved. I like to ask for good artists to come forward and help me to draw the improved visuals. Any takers? Please write to kinlian@gmail.com
