Thursday, July 14, 2011

Bersih movement in Malaysia

My KL friend wore a yellow tie. He said that it is the symbol of the Bersih movement. This movement is a NGO and is led by professionals, and not by the political parties. The members of the movement want to see fair elections and are quite tied of the manipulation by the ruling party. The recent demonstration was for the people to voice their unhappiness and to send a memorandum to the Agong (King) to convey the message to the government on the need to change some of the rules to give all political parties a more level playing field to contest in the coming general election.


  1. Vote no to manipulation by the ruling party. ??? ??? ???

  2. The supposed NGO's have been hijacked by PKR, DAP and PAS. That is the main problem.
    When Ambiga met the Agong, she did not present the 8 pts memorandum, because she still wanted the street demos.
    When oppositions won big in 2008, there was no talk of unfair elections or ghost voters. When the early by-elections were won by oppositions, again there was no such cries.

    Only when BN started winning the last few by-elections did the cries start.

    Malaysia allowed Harakah, Suara Keadilian, websites of the opposition parties, Malaysiakini, Malaysia Today etc...all of which are oppositions' or pro-oppositions. 2008 elections oppositions won 5 states and deprived the ruling BN of the two-third majority.

    Since then people have seen how the states under oppositions have performed. Complaints mounted over unfulfilled promises. MPs cross-overs. And Anwar facing serious charges with very covincing proofs,including his refusal to take an oath of denial, which to Muslims, is a very serious matter.

    Most Malaysians do not support Bersih. They are the silent majority, but they will make their opinion felt in the next elections, especially after some `driftwoods' are removed. Samivellu is one.

  3. I am posting this reply on behalf of my friend in KL.

    Reply from: Pendatang (just for your info Mr Tan, we non-Muslims are know as Pendatang in Malaysia even though like me am 3rd generation born in Malaysia!)

    Sorry Sobri, I don't agree with you. In the last election, the opposition won 10 out of 11 seats in WP/KL, and 17 out of 22 in Selangor. That makes 27 out of 33 in the riches and most informed states….82% success. This is the group also supporting Bersih but didn't want to risk the 4 days of road blocks, tear gas, water canon and brutal police arrest. Most, like me, don't care which party is in power but there must be best practices serving the rakyat and not themselves. The Bersih movement and the rakyat is using the opposition to achieve their target. The Government was also invited to join, but didn't accept. I think they underestimated the voice of the rakyat. The previous PM promised this and got a landslide victory, but then sadly "fell asleep". The Malaysian rakyat now want a better governed Malaysia for the future of our children and grandchildren. To many, BN is still the first choice, but if the can't improve, the change will come. Don't forget that BN only got 52% votes in the last elections even with the controlled media, huge campaigning funds and all other unfair advantages. In fact just in Peninsula, opposition got 51% of the votes. Who really is the silent majority there?

    The Agong knows the 8 points and perhaps the reason he asked both parties to come together and advised Bersih to use a stadium, which the police should have accommodated and we would have had a peaceful walk for democracy. The cries of fraud election process have been there for a long time, even when opposition were winning. Just that the situation now is multiple times more serious. The PM himself is know to use phrases like "you help me, I help you" when he knows Sibu has serious flood problems and it is the duty of the government to help, which ever party is in government. Many feel that the 5 states are better managed even in 3 years compare to the 55 years BN rule. In fact, as the government machinery is so wide, any corrupt practice of the opposition will be caught out. Even in the case of poor Teoh Beng Hock, where the allegation was only for RM 2,400, the questioning went all night. The incident happened right in the offices of the MACC, but after 24 months still no conclusion. In fact now we have a 2nd incident. Please can you understand that we love Malaysia so so much that we can't bear such events any longer.
