Thursday, July 14, 2011

Public transport fares

I have read the proposal by the Worker's Party for a Public Transportation Corporation. I believe that it is a good idea which should be considered. I urge Minister Lui Teck Yew to have a positive attitude and consider it more carefully, rather than dismiss it casually in a Facebook posting.

The increase of the fares may seem small to well off but has an impact on many financially strapped Singaporeans who have to take public transport. If the Public Transport Council decides to approve the increase, I would like to urge the government to help the vulnerable Singaporeans to cope with the increase in the cost of living.

Tan Kin Lian


  1. I like to say something about Minister Lui's opinion on raising the Transport fee.

    He seems to be favorable of the fee hike. I do not wish to say much about this comment, I just want to ask him this: You have taken public transport during rush hour after your appointment to your present portfolio. Do you seriously think that the public transport service operators deserves more revenue? If your answer is "Yes", I have nothing much more to say, except what Confucius said about his disciple, Zai Wo (宰我), upon asking whether 3 years of mourning is too much.

    Confucius asked, "Do you feel at ease, after a year or mourning, eating your usual food and enjoying your pleasure?" Zai Wo replied, "Yes." "If that's the case," Confucius continues, "then do as you wish. An ethical person will feel the sorrow of their parents passing away, they won't find food tasty, won't find leisure enjoyable and can't even sleep well at night. I asked you, 'Do you feel at ease?' and you replied, 'Yes.' you should just do as you deem fit."


  2. How very Raymond Lee in Lui's comment.
    All Transport Ministers come from the same mould, and behave the same way and say the same words. the musical chair only goes round and round, just to take off some heat from the hot seat.
    After the GE, overnight all sorts of price increases, that were suppressed before, come out in the open, one by one, in the same way as the increase in the CPF minimum sum.
    Well the voters believe in the PAP's crocodile's tears and fake apologies, and voted them in. Now we have to live for further price increases for the next five years.
    We managed to force them to be hands off on GST increase, but they still find ways to increase revenue from other sources.
    Citizens tend to forget SMRT and SBS Transit biggest shareholders are Temasek Holdings, who contribute profits to the Govt coffers. So there is blatant conflict of interests here, no big guess which side the Transport Minister will stand on.
    Anyone repenting now? Too late lah,
    just smack your own faces. The wool still comes from the sheep's body. Daft people, really.

  3. rex comments as follows,

    The Minister has no skill at all, real dude from the view of pap as well as from the view of the daft peasants. Even if he approves the price hike, it is very silly for him to open his mouth at this stage. Let the PTC do the job approve the hike, then the minister wayang a bit, say some nice things, say that the PTC did a thorough job, he doesnt like to raise prices personally but he study the PTC proposal, it has some merits, and agree blah blah blah.
    Eh hiao beh? Mr Lui Tuck Yew?.
    Wayang lah, this early stage comment of yours will make all the singaporeans hate you (as if they dont hate you enough already); i thought you are a cunning person. You have yet to graduate from the university of pap lies.

