Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Is there room for respect?

Here is a good article by Andrew Loh, the founder and former chief-editor of The Online Citizen. I understand that Andrew is no longer connected with TOC.


  1. No quarrel with Andrew on the basic princile of "Respect", but as he admitted this word is a two way traffic.
    It's the Ministers who gave us names like daft pepole, need spurs to be stuck on our hind, of lesser mortals, or drive Opposition Party members to bankruptcy or in exile to other countries, or threaten us we must vote PAP, or would make us regret for the next 5 years, or shamelessly holding upgrading to wards other than PAP's, then Andrew should not gripe us not giving respect when and where it's due.
    WE receive no respect in the first place, why should we give it.
    Singapore is a modern cosmopolitan citystate, it's a fallacy to expect us to continue the age old Chinese system of Governance in the rigidly classed Confucianism,
    where total and blind respect and loyalty are accorded to senority, with no questions asked. Then this is not Democracy.
    "All patriots should always be ready to protect the country from its Govt." Else very easy for any Govt to fall into Croynism, Nepotism and Corruption.

  2. Can't blame us for using one brush to paint all of them, existing and new Ministers, and the MPs. The image all PAP people give us has been always negative.

  3. Totally agree with the above. How to show respect when we are part of the "lunatic fringe" (couresty or our current MCYS Minister)?
