Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Why we need a President - Ivy Singh

First of all the question to ask is ‘DO WE NEED A PRESIDENT?” and if the answer is yes then we must ask ourselves “WHY, WHAT FOR and WHO SHOULD IT BE?”

I am a fortunate 62 year old Singaporean and I do have a view about how I would like my country to move forward.

I am very clear in my mind that we in Singapore need a President for now. The reason is because we are currently bombarded everyday with the following words that worry me :

RULING PARTY – These words indicate to me that we are a ruled people and nation and therefore we could be like slaves in the kingdom. Kings and Queens in most modern developed countries nowadays are quite powerless and they are usually quite kind and do good things for society. I do not have the same confidence in all politicians.

PARTY IN POWER – These words also worry me because POWER strikes me, that unless I am in the same party I am powerless.

As such it is clear to me that we need a president so that in times of ABSOLUTE DESPAIR I can refer to his or her office for some compassion. In other words He or she must almost be the god that I can pray to and give me some kind of an answer whether it is good news or bad news but it must be an honest answer.

Singapore is a young nation in the making and we people are in charge of our own destiny and the constitution we would like our country to be governed by so that we can become the paradise that it should be – We are small but we are blessed being where we are located in the world – A cross road for almost the world. We have still enough good and honest people who care for our country and want to make the difference not only for ourselves but for the rest for our fellow men and women and children and anything with the heartbeat living in this beautiful little island called Singapore.




  1. rex comments as follows,
    Mrs Ivy Lim your logic is deeply flawed.
    You said you want to have a president who is like a "god" of last resort in "times of absolute despair" so you could use him/her as some kind of refuge.

    But the trouble is that under the current law, this "god" is practically slaved to the Cabinet which in turn IS equivalent to the very words you feared "Ruling Party" and "Party in Power".
    As it is, you cannot change the terms of reference of the president, so i have proved that your desire to have a president is not compatible with what you want the president to do.

    That means you don't need a president - unless of course the terms of reference of the president is enlarged and liberalised further to suit your expectations.


  2. In Country A, ruling party cannot abuse their power because major decisions & policies need to be approved by president. President cannot abuse his power because he cannot initiate decisions & policies. President only has veto power.
    In Country B, ruling party initiates decisions & policies. President has very limited veto power (like no veto power). ??? ??? ???

  3. Indeed, if we cannot get answers from/through Parliament on questions like those in the following link, we have to do it via the president.

  4. Mrs Ivy Singh-Lim

    Thank you for articulating the concerns of many citizens in such eloquent terms.

    However the post of President as it is constituted now is, in my view, just one wayang kulit to show some semblance of checks and balances. In practice the party in power can neutralise a perceived unfriendly candidate at the Certificate of Eligibilty checkpoint, or failing that, it needs just a simple two-thirds Parliamentary majority to thwart any EP with a mind of his own.

    What we can hope for is a citizen-oriented EP, as opposed to a state-friendly one, who can influence the government through the guilt mechanism. That calls for an independent minded person of upright character, with great EQ and dogged determination.

  5. I might be interpreting Ivy's post wrongly. It seems that she is only hoping to have a single candidate that can be the people's representative in the government. Should there be no GRC and only singe seat constituency would Ivy still have the same opinion or feel that the Presidency is obsolete.

    My interpretation of recent interest in the EP is not only due to the recent watershed GE. But also because of the limited single seat constituency. In short we want to vote an individual who can represent us in the parliament. A person as Ivy has said that is voted by Singaporeans who can be a pillar of support and motivation in times of need. We want to have confidence and freedom to choose an individual with character whom we trust. Not the group with the best team. Not a group where a team member can feel security after making a mistake because of the presence of his strong team. With an individual he has to carry the responsibility alone.

    Unfortunately with the many GRC, we have turned to the EP. I just hope whoever becomes the President keeps in mind that he is an individual voted to represent the voice of Singaporeans. Not just the marketing icon of Singapore.

  6. I just hope our next president is not one who only does "quiet work"

  7. Well said Ivy , but till now the President is just a namesake . Travel here travel there , makan here makan there . So far no pressing and pushing ideas , reforms , directions to the Ministers to follow thru .

  8. Don't understand what Mrs. Singh is trying to put across. She contradicted herself.

  9. So far, i find that Mr tan Kin Lian is setting the climate right by openly sharing his personal views on many issues of Singaporeans interest and concern; and he went a step further by letting the people into his personal life and personal values, which i believe resonance with many Singaporeans. Well said, Ivy,and about people can change the constitution and thank you for speaking up loud and clear, your personal view is shared by many in paradise-to be, when we vote Mr Tan Kin Lian into the President office. His five values are real something all Singaporeans can and should relate to and be united behind as One Singapore Heartbeat again. I enjoy your rare speech.

  10. thanks so much for your rare speech. you touch many hearts along the way, you know?
