Sunday, August 14, 2011

Approaching unions for endorsements

At the Tiong Bahru market this morning, I met many people who recognized me. One man told me that he was a victim of the Lehman mini-bond but managed to recover 70% of his investment. He thanked me for my efforts. A few people recognized me as they were policyholders of NTUC Income. Some told me that they were vote for me, because I was willing to "speak out for the people". Another said that he supported me because I was the only candidate that is "neutral", i.e. not leaning towards the PAP or the opposition.

It was a great experience to interact with many Singaporeans who reacted warmly to me. During the last 35 years, I have made many friends and they are now coming forward to give me their support. I hope that this support will be reflected in the voting on 27 August.

The journalists asked for my views about the endorsements by several unions for Dr. Tony Tan. I replied that I would welcome endorsements from unions and cooperative societies, but I would not approach them as I do not wish to put them in a difficult position in having to decide on endorsing or declining a candidate that is not supported by the government.  I prefer to be endorsed by the ordinary people, who will be casting their votes in the Presidential election.

Tan Kin Lian


  1. Well said. Union chiefs may endorse a candidate, but their union members may decide to vote for someone with a clean slate who is not beholden to any political party or leader. Also, unions in Singapore are mostly for show only. Except for SIA Airlines unions, they mostly lack both bark and bite to protect jobs for locals. That is why so many locals above age 40 years old cannot find meaningful employment. If I am not mistaken, recently someone senior even mentioned that the situation "cannot be helped, please accept it". Could someone out there please refresh my memory who is this person?? Ha! ha! ha! Really disappointed with Singapore and Singaporeans.

    This strategy of endorsing candidates may actually back-fired, as this is the only means for disgruntled union members to show them who is the Boss here. Ha! Ha! Ha!

  2. no worries, most people endorse u for President,
    good luck on 17th and 27th Aug..

  3. Mr. Tan , you will be doing a 'Ying Luck'.The ordinary folks will support you.

  4. Quote:

    "Another said that he supported me because I was the only candidate that is "neutral", i.e. not leaning towards the PAP or the opposition."

    Kin Lian, previously you were a PAP member and just few months ago, you were with the opposition, are these correct? In any case, all the other candidates also have no political affiliation. What do you mean by yourself being "neutral" then?

  5. Reply to 6:12 PM
    I will let my readers judge whether they agree with this statement that I am neutral and non-partisan. Obviously, you do not agree, but it is all right for you to have your opinion.

  6. He said you are pro-PAP. She said you are pro-Opposition. But most importantly most of us believe you are pro-the-people-of-Singapore.

    You are the voice of the people of Singapore - in the past, now and in future. You are not beholden to any political party or leader, but to the weak, poor and elderly of our society. Your past actions tell us your good intentions. Keep up your good work. Vote Tan Kin Lian as President for a better Singapore.

  7. A new citizen asked me why is the Tan Clan Association "political"...He said it should be saying the Tan Clan is honoured and proud to have 4 TAN candidates standing in the PE. Even a new citizen has such a feeling, what is wrong with the majority of the TANs in the Clan Association? I think it ought to be registered as a political association like The Online Citizen.
