Sunday, August 14, 2011

Donate at least half of President's salary

Dear Mr. Tan,
I respect you for stating at the start of the campaign that you will be donating at least half of the President's salary towards charity and other worthy causes. You stated in clearly in statements to the media and in  you campaign website. Recently, you challenged the other candidates to state their stand on this issue.

Tan Jee Say said that he will donate the "bulk of his salary" but this statement is not clearly stated as part of his manifesto. It is only mentioned in the media interview. I hope that he will follow soon with a clear statement in writing and explain what is "the bulk".

Dr. Tan Cheng Bock had said that he will not make any pledge as it is akin to "buying votes". You can read the views of netizens on this matter here:

And, we have not heard from Dr. Tony Tan. He is so rich that he can donate all of the salary. After all, he is getting a fat pension.

Thank you, Mr. Tan KL, for setting a good example. I hope that you will win the election and your example will be emulated by all the ministers, who are also getting get high salaries. 



  1. Hi Mr Tan,

    First, congrats in obtaining the Certificate of Eligibility.

    Next, I admire you for pledging to donate at least half of your salary, if you are elected as President of Singapore, toward charity and other worthy cause. However, I think these money will be more useful in exercising your power as president, if diverted to another use.

    When the Late President, Mr Ong Teng Cheong, wanted to know how much reserve does Singapore have, he was given an answer by the Ministry of Finance that it would take 56 man-years to calculate the amount. Clearly, MOF thinks that it is a waste of manpower and resource to calculate it, then present it to the then President. What if the President says, "Ok, just give me the raw data, I'll get accountants to do the calculations."?

    It is up to an individual to use his own salary, just like PM Lee Hsien Loong said that he donated his payrise to charity, I believe the President of Singapore also have the freedom to use his salary as he deem fit.

  2. Personally, I think a President's salary of over $4 million a year is too high. I believe many common folks feel the same too.

    Hence Mr Tan's pledge to donate at least 50% of salary if elected is one of the plus factors for my vote.

    And if many think like me, this may be a crucial factor in getting ahead in the race.

  3. Review of ministerial salaries to be completed after Presidential election? What amount the candidates think the President salary should be? The excess amount donates to charity regardless of the result of review of ministerial salaries. ??? ??? ???

  4. I am not impressed by Tan Cheng Bock's words to defend his talk about "vote-buying", with reference to Mr Tan Kin Lian's promise to donate half his EP salary if elected.

    TCB had said :-
    "If I compromise before I become President, can you imagine when I am President? I can make many, many compromises also. In life, there are certain fundamental principles I won't concede on."

    But he said he would be promoting "soccer" to unify Singaporeans.

    We all know that "soccer" is linked to heavy "betting" - legal and illegal. Then why is TCB compromising his fundamental principles here ? He seems "blur" about his own priciples.

    Or still retaining a PAP mindset - See and touch no evils selectively.

  5. I rather you to Create an fund whereby half of your salary to be donated into it or even best have all minister and member of parliment to have a same fix salary regardless of number of positions

  6. # of the 4 EP Candidtaes have said the current President's pay is too high but only 2 are willing to return part of it to charity, etc if they are elected. Wonder if outgoing President SR Nathan felt the same way & willing to donate part of his past 12 years overpaid salary to charity?
