Thursday, August 18, 2011

Deferment of national service - tertiary education

Mr. Tan,
Please share your views about deferment of national service for male citizens to complete their tertiary education. The ministry of defense reject most request for deferment but grant them to only special situations - in one specific case for 12 years. Should deferment be allowed more generally, so that the educational prospects of our male citizens are not hampered?

This issue needs to be studied. We have to consider the needs of National Service and also the needs of the male citizens. With a proper study, and getting the inputs of the relevant parties, i.e. Mindef, parents, young males - we can find a better solution.

Regardless of the outcome, it is important that the policy should be implemented fairly. Nobody should be given special favor - otherwise, the people will lose trust in the government and their leaders.

1 comment:

  1. why male citizens have to receive unequal treatment than the female citizens whom have the freedom to have their tertiary education straight from junior college. Regardless of gender, the govt should allow the male citizen to finish their tertiary education before entering the society. In this case, it create a social harmony with the opposite gender where they have common par in communication with the female professional experience during their service. This may bring them up to speed when they join the society when they finish their service. As you can see with the current policy, local born Singapore couple are hard to find. you have the women married to foreigners and the men looking for foreign wife. Look around see if true. Most important, the male citizen have to sacrifice their 2 years, why don't the govt allow them to finish their tertiary education so that they have their goal set before they enter the service. Also this allow students who study overseas have an opportunity to practice their profession in Spore.At least a consideration for them to come back rather than the current law that make some rather to stay away from NS and don't come back for good.My son is a good example, he want to serve but CMPB does not allow him to finish his tertiary education first and insist to be back by 18yrs to serve NS. I even offer to place a bond that he will be back by 21 yrs old but CMPB would not accept. I cannot imagine what is the govt thought in this. They did mention fairness to everybody but not all have the same situation. Moreover, my son want to serve, just that CMPB want their way or the highway. That explain the decline in local born Singaporean in addition to women married to foreign land.
