Thursday, August 18, 2011

Straits Times Presidential Rountable


  1. Mr. Tan, you did the best among all the 4 candidates! TT and TCB is too PAP-style and still in their PAP mode of operating. TJS is just an extension of opposition party.

    In particular, I don't understand what TCB meant by engaging in "day-to-day politics". When TKL advocates being voice of the people and being a channel to bring up issues and concerns faced by Singaporeans to the government, TCB thinks it's meddling with "door-to-door politics". Why attach a partisan label to bread and butter issues that should be brought up for the interest of Singaporeans? Issues only become politics if people like him chose to politicized them. So when TCB say "nation comes above politics" - is he saying that the issues and concerns faced by Singaporeans is not of national interest?? His logic is contradicting and confusing at best.

  2. Another point that I thought is of interest to note... TCB said he felt prompted to contest for EP role because he sensed the anger and disunity due to political divide during the recent GE. Does he think that multi-racism and sports can heal the divide that is due to POLITICAL differences? If he thinks he can bring about unity through promoting racial harmony and sports, he is barking up the wrong tree. Anyway multi-racism is a passé issue. Let MCYS do their job. No need to pay 4 mil for a president to do their job.

  3. TT will obtain 38%. There is no significant difference amongst the other 3. So it is unlikely that anyone of them will get more than 35% individually. Sorry, none of you thought of the people, only of yourself. If you had, you would have withdrawn and we would have an alternative president. As it is the 60% is gonna be split. Is it too late to withdraw?

  4. TKL spoke up for the man in the street during the recent 2008 global financial crisis, when investors were spooked by DBS Bank's toxic products like Lehman Mini-bonds, DBS High Notes etc

    Where were TT, TCB and TJS back then?

    Do you remember what they said for the people affected? Did they spoke up for victims of commercial frauds? Investment scams etc.??

    Vote TAN KIN LIAN for a better Singapore.

  5. We totally agreed with Anon 9:38. You are a good man but we are disappointed with your decision to continue in the race. As we have said earlier, your participation is just helping TT to win. Hope it is not too late to withraw and endorse Tan Jee Say instead? You and Jee Say are our preferred candidates but we can only choose one and we have decided to go for him as he has better chance of winning (we do not want to waste our precious votes).

  6. I have been following Tan Kin Lian's blog for 3 years (since 2008).

    I find him really cares for the welfare and well-being of ordinary people.

    Over the years, he has expressed his concerns and has made suggestions on issues that affecting the ordinary people on:

    1)the affordability of HDB flats
    2)the need of unemployment insurance for the workers
    3)the widening income gap between the elites and ordinary workers
    4)the transportation woes of ordinary people
    5)the high public medical fee
    6)the need of minimum wage
    7)the selling of high risk complex credit-link notes(with only moderate return) to ordinary people
    8)the selling of high cost and low yield insurance products to ordinary people

    When he was the CEO of NTUC Income, he introduced many low cost insurance policies with good return which benefited many ordinary Singaporeans.

    He does not think that Public office’s holders should receive multimillion dollars salary and has indicated that, if elected, he would donate at least 50% of the Presidential salary to charity.

    I believe that Mr. Tan will be the “Voice of the people” President, if elected.

    I will vote for Tan Kin Lian as President of Singapore.
