Monday, October 03, 2011

Tell the truth

Politicians should tell the truth and not mislead the public by controlling the flow of information. Who wrote this article? Kishore Mahubani, Dean of LKY School.


  1. I wonder why Mr Kishore does not write an article about the lies that our own government tells singaporeans. Is he so sure that our government is so honest. How many people did the government detain under the ISA on false accusations. Maybe he should write about that.

  2. I fully agree with Kishore that people who live in glass houses and throwing stones.

  3. Very strange, Kishore seems to be hinting he is pointing fingers at his political masters, the PAP Govt, also trying to lie to the citizens and trying all means to keep real info from disseminating to the public, by subtly using the Arab world, Europe and US as a disguised shield.

    "The financial Elite is in bed with the political Elite", sounds like referring to the minibond saga, where MAS sided with the FIs.
    Anything clearer and explicit than this would see him booted out of the arena, accompanied by character assasination and forced self exile in US.
