Sunday, November 13, 2011

Re-admission to Universal Studio

The rules of Universal Studio Singapore said that "for same day admission, you must present the Studio admission ticket and hand stamp for re-entry".

I recall visiting the theme parks in America where they recognize the hand stamp (or similar tags). They do not require the admission ticket to be shown as well. I wonder if this reflects the peculiar  requirements in Singapore - where it is usual to add to the hassle for customers?


  1. HaHa! Yes.
    It's called double confirm!!

    Western productivity experts will definitely thumbs down this sort of double-checking.

    Our front-line workers know it's dumb. But long ago gave up on giving feedback to management.

    If we really want to see a quantum leap in Singapore productivity & creativity, let's clean up our management ability and culture.

    Stop beating up on our workers with "cheaper, better, faster" slogans.
    "Up the Downturn". If workers can up the downturn by themselves, then no need managers lah!

  2. It's called 2-Factor-Authentication. ha ha.

  3. Do not forget... its built for foreigners..not for you or I.. so, these foreigners are very skilled, remember?.. thats why they are here!

    being skilled, they learn very quickly to reproduce the markings..
    counterfeit.. so, its a system that is reacting to skills.

  4. The hand stamp uses invisible ink and can only be seen under a special light. It is not easy to duplicate it. Anyway, it is a petty offence to carry out forgery. The forgery risk is small and can be tolerated - there is no need to impose the inconvenience of two level authentication for a small matter like a re-entry pass.
