Sunday, November 13, 2011

Staged accidents

A staged accident is created by a syndicate involving a criminal workshop. The workshop boss arranged for an accomplice to drive on the expressway and brake suddenly, causing the following vehicle to crash into its rear. Another accomplice will appear quickly with a tow truck to bring the accident vehicles for repair. This will be followed by a big repair bill for the vehicle in front (which belonged to the syndicate).

This type of staged accidents had been happening for many years, but nobody bothered to take any action. One day, the driver of the following vehicle was the son or a prominent politician. He related the matter to his father who brought up the matter to the authority. This caused the authority to take action. For the next few days, there were big stories in the media and the term "staged accidents" was coined. There was a furor, because this was considered to be reckless driving.

This happened in a certain country about 10 years ago. Guess the name of this country, where nobody takes action until it involves an important person's family member?


  1. Likewise, the horrors of gambling will be fully realized until a problem gambler wreaked havoc to the family of one of the ruling elites.

    I believe in Karma. If bad karma needs to happen to someone to benefit the rest, so be it. Heaven has eyes.

  2. About 10 years ago, I was traumatised when I witnessed a 5 or 6 year old boy died when he was cycling across a pedestrian crossing in Pasir Ris. The bus driver cannot see him as the bus was turning left at the traffic lights.
    Today we still see cyclists cycling across pedestrian crossings without dismounting.
    Some black sheep even cycle at fast speeds across zebra crossings.
    Yes, adults can judge the risk they are taking but kids follow blindly.
    They talk about traffic wardens at Tampines where cycling is allowed. Frankly, I have not seen one myself. Do they appear only on TV news?
    They say one life lost is one too many but what action have they taken? If cycling is indeed allowed throughout Singapore, proclaim it rather than turn a blind eye. We all can see that everyone is cycling on the pedestrain walkways almost everywhere in SIngapore, not just Tampines. Perhaps traffic wardens should be at every busy traffic junctions till they have their public education up and ready.
    Cyclists pose problems for the elderly and the young on these walkways. We know it. We feel it. We see it. Yet, they say cycling allowed on pedestrian walkways in Tampines only. It makes you wonder whether the authorities involved know cyclists are on the pedestrian walkways all over Singapore, except maybe Orchard Road. Do they walk on the pedestrian walkways like the commoners? Maybe not. I don't begrudge if they acknowledge the problem and think of ways to minimize the problem. Turning one blind eye and having one deaf ear for fear of antagonizing either cyclists or pedestrians, with no solution forthcoming, is exasperating.

  3. That country has a GAP in the middle.

    The elites in that country won't be affected. If and when any horrors appear in front of the elites, that country's law agencies, law enforcement agencies, judiciary, internal security, armed forces, old boys' club, etc will be mobilised to take care of the horrors.

    I bet that elite driver didn't have his NCD affected, or have his future premiums loaded, since it was staged. Also the elite's insurer won't have to pay for the damages to the staged vehicle and driver.

  4. Question is who is training these cyclists about the safe operation of their vehicles?

    It seems any idiot is allowed to cycle where ever he chooses nowadays.
    The attitude being my bicycle is more powerful than you the pedestrian. So please pedestrian, get out of my way.

    Where do these cyclists get the idea that "might is right" anyway?

    Oh sorry. I forget. This is Singapore. Might is right. Rich is good. You die your business hor. "It cannot be helped."

  5. Ha Ha ! Let me hazzard a guess. Was that country Singapore ? No, I must be wrong as we are but a City-State, not a country according to some.

  6. Tau sama tau... to use a phrase from the swinging 70s.

  7. These days it would be wise to spend a little more to install a DVR in the car. It gives a peace of mind to the driver should there be a staged accident or cyclist suddenly crossing your path at slip roads and zebra crossings.

    For pedestrians at the mercy of errant cyclists, maybe we will need a pedestrian Video recorder cap to wear! Imagine that!

  8. I have an accident recently. Someone hit my car from behind. Quite serious. A few minutes later, out of no where, someone appeared and recommended me his workshop. Not sure where he came from. I cannot see this person's car or vehicle park anywhere. Scary to think that this guy may have been waiting at the spot for quite some time waiting for the accident to happen. Luckliy, nothing happen to my kids though the accident is quite serious. If these people intentionally caused the accident so that they can get business, they deserve to end up in hell. They are playing with people lives so as to earn money.
