Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Balloting for priority

I sent this letter to the Straits Times but it was not published. What are your views?

Forum Page
Straits Times

I read the news report about the long queue that was formed that was formed a few days earlier for new launch of Bedok Residences. 

This system is archaic and poses hygiene and social problems and could lead to disputes and disorder. We have also experienced long queues for registration in primary schools and for tickets to popular events. Even online queuing leads to breakdown of the computer systems, due to the heavy demand.

We need to have a more practical way of allocating priority through the balloting system. All interested party should be given sufficient time to register their interest before a closing date. The priority should be decided by ballotting or drawing lots through an electronic system that can be verified to be transparent and fair.

It should be possible for such an online system to be developed that can be shared by any organizer in place of the queuing system. The authority may have to step in to promote such an alternative arrangement, for the sake of transparency and orderliness. 

Tan Kin Lian

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