Saturday, December 03, 2011

Hard for the PAP to change

1 comment:

  1. When the Administrative Bureaucracy is an appendage of the ruling Party, the civil service could be made a puppet, to execute the policies made by the Govt, and even used as a convenient mouthpiece to convey what the Minister in charge of that Ministry wants to say, e.g. ever since Yaacoob was chastised for his utterance of flash floods occurring
    once in 50 years, subsequently all the Ministers made use of a relatively obscure spokesman from their Ministry to address whatever they wan to reply, test the waters for public response, before coming out in the open.
    We've now immuned to PAP's broadcast of "akan datang" changes on the way. A case of mutual making use of each other.
    We'll see real change happening when a large cohort of opposition candidates are voted into Parliament. Malaysia is a mirror for us to see.
