Sunday, December 04, 2011

Wireless@SG and 3G

The IDA wishes to encourage more people to use the free WiFi service called Wireless@SG, so as to reduce the data load on the 3G network.  Why are people using the chargeable 3G instead of the free WiFi service? There are many WiFi hotspots, and users can save on the data charge and also get faster access.

I hardly use Wireless@SG because it is quite troublesome to login to many hotspots, especially on a mobile hone. What is your experience?


  1. I share the same experience. I never use free WIFI because it's a big hustle to login.

  2. very bad experience until gave up. Why? Think our IDA is not doing a its job, only wayang a lot...

  3. Same bad experience with that "free WiFi". What to do but pay.
    The government has always reminded us that nothing is free, so much so that we are conditioned not to question the poor experience.

  4. IDA is another wayang outfit. Grand plans but bad at the implementation stage. Paid our money to the implementers for wireless@sg but got useless@sg.
    After one manages to logon, its so s....l....o.....w.....

    Look at another example. It lets telcos bully SMEs and charges at least $100 a month for internet access. Households can get the same service for $20+, so the cost of providing the service must be below that. Telcos will say they bundle other value added services and charge $100 and its a discount. SMEs don't want your bundled shit! We just want basic internet access at a minimum cost. IDA is allowing all this to happen!

  5. People simply don't use Wireless@SG because it's usually very very slow and you keep getting dropped.

    Have you guys ever heard about Korea's fantastic mobile internet network? I always thought they had some kind of crazy 3G service but when I visited, I found out that they just had wireless everywhere (even on trains).

    They implemented what Wireless@SG wanted to be correctly.
