Monday, January 09, 2012

Finnish education system - focus on equality

My friend told me that he read an article to compare the difference in the goal of the education system in Finnland and of other countries. Finland decided to focus on "equality" rather than "excellence".

I strongly believe in the approach taken by Finnland. It is important for an education system in school to focus on "equality", i.e. to ensure that the students are educated in the right values and basic skills. The schools should NOT be a place to compete for excellence.

Just imagine what can be achieved with the approach taken in Finnland:

  • Our children will enjoy school and their child-hood
  • They will grow up with the right values, character and the basic skills to make a living
  • They will respect people in all occupations and will be willing to take the service sector jobs
  • There will be a smaller wage gap, which means that the cost of living will be lower for everyone
  • We will not have to pay high fees to doctors or lawyers.
This system will still allow people to excel, but the competition should in the workplace, AND NOT IN THE SCHOOLS.

Please share your views.


  1. Here is the Education Policy statement of the Government of Finnland.

    It does emphasize on equality of opportunity for all students, regardless of financial status, and there is no mention about "excellence".

    There is emphasis on welfare, culture and development.

  2. Here is another description of the education system in Finnland. It is fully funded by the state and students are well taken care of, including meals.

  3. I'd agree with the aim of "equality".

    Not sure how we generate "loyalty towards our fellow Singaporeans" when our young school children see each other as academic rivals competing for limited places in elite schools.

    It's an obvious truth to all of us heartlanders. But our elite Ministers probably have different values and ideology.

  4. Fyi, its "Finland" only 1 'n'.
