Thursday, January 26, 2012

Give a prompt reply

I make it a point to give a prompt reply to any question that is addressed to me personally, i.e. not part of a spam mail.

I received an email on behalf of a project group of students in SMU asking for explanation about the dual currency investment. I gave a reply immediately to two questions and also enclose my FAQ on this subject. The recipient must have been surprised at the prompt reply. She replied, "Thank you very much".

I reply with what I know. Even if I do not have the ready answer, it is quite easy for me to search for it in my website or in the Internet, using Google. If I do not have the answer to some questions, I will still give a reply to the questions that I know. A partial reply is better than no reply.

I want to encourage people to give a prompt reply, instead of ignoring an e-mail that is sent personally. My comment also apply to our ministers. Although they are busy, they do have an army of assistants who can give a proper reply, not just an insincere acknowledgement or worse - ignore it entirely! Our leaders need to set a good example in courtesy and the proper behavior.


  1. I know you replied very promtly since your INCOME days. I was very surprised your answered one of my e-mail aound midnight.

    Yes people should learn to reply for you do not know what joy it can bring to the receiver.

    Thank you.

  2. Some time ago, my friend had a query on financial matters and I recommended her to email you for an answer.

    She later feedbacked to me that your response to her email was very prompt, although the answer was not that satisfactory. And that was the time I first knew about your prompt response to emails.

  3. The current email response time from the grc minister is about 4 weeks for an email reply , I had sent it twice and usually, they will delegate the email to other relevant sources and it is end of story from there..
