Saturday, January 28, 2012

Give fair wages and decent working conditions

If is difficult for a reputable manufacturer to get workers to accept depressed wages and inferior working conditions. They found a way to achieve this goal and boost their profits - go for outsourcing and contract work. Let the contractor handle this difficult matter.

It is not good for society, if the weaker sectors of our society continue to be exploited. It will lead to a higher wage gap and a poorer quality of life for the majority of the citizens.

Here are measures that a good government in any country can adopt:
  • Set a minimum wage and specific the standard terms and conditions of work
  • Set a good example in outsourcing their work and accept the contractors based on quality of service, rather than the lowest bid. It is possible for the government to know what the cost of the service should be. Use a transparent system to award the contract.


  1. I keep hearing about the shortage of workers. What is in short supply are workers willing to work for low pay so that their bosses can laugh all the way to the bank. If employers are willing to share the profits more equitably, they will be turning away workers at the door.

  2. If the government can set a minimum wage for their ministers why can they set it for the lowest 20%?
