Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Hacking and identity theft

Many people do not realize that it is a crime to hack into another person's account or to impersonate another person (i.e. identity theft) through the internet. In the absence of specific legislation, the legal practice in Singapore follow the UK. Read this report about the action taken by the Police to investigate illegal hacking. http://www.todayonline.com/World/Worldinbrief/EDC120103-0000062/Hackers-targeted-Gordon-Browns-emails--Report

As the use of Internet is an important part of our life, it is important for the law makers in Singapore (i.e. our Parliament) to pass the law to make it clear that hacking and identity theft are crime, punishable as a crime according to the laws of Singapore. It should also be made clear that the Police will take complaints and the necessary steps to investigate the complaints. This important issue cannot be left vague. This is the job of Parliament!

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