Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Protests against investment scams

The people in China are prepared to show a strong protest against investment scams, according to this report. http://www.todayonline.com/World/EDC120103-0000055/Investment-scams-push-Chinese-to-rally

This type of cheating activity is happening in many places. The authority should act early, instead of letting the problem become so bad - a lesson for Singapore!


  1. This is one aspect that China is even more "democratic" than Singapore. The Chinese people dare to voice their displeasure openly.

    According to this commentary, Occupy Wukan styled demostrations may become a new normal to watch in China.

    Link :- http://www.todayonline.com/Commentary/EDC111229-0000013/2012--Fear-recoupling,-not-end-of-the-world

    In the recent "land grab" protest in GZ, even the local authorities gave way to say the villagers had a valid case.

  2. Yes ! China is becoming more democratic than Singapore ! How ironic but then the reason is because Singapore had become less democratic..... No ?

  3. China has always been more democratic than Singapore. They change their leaders periodically, and when these leaders retire for good, they do just that. Compare this with the local context, our leaders refuse to retire, when they retire from Parliament, they still cling on as MPs and travel "on official business", all on country's expense, and even draw on an MP's pay. This is called Greed and power crazy, that's why Singapore is regressing, these so-called retiree politicians still wan to pull strings from behind, still hanker after the opportunity to stand on the stage to give their 2 hoots. But who wan to listen to a have been leader's speech. To us, out of Parliament means preferably out of sight and ears. Singapore thrives on pragmatism and renewal, not some old fuddies cling on.
    In this respect, we give our utmost respect to George Yeo, at least he retired with gentlemanly grace, and most importantly, for good, unlike Lim Boon Heng, although retired as MP, still could not resist clinging on, with one leg in, finally.

  4. @Lye Khuen Way "How ironic but then the reason is because Singapore had become less democratic..... No?"

    Democracy is not just a "given" within the system ... the culture of the people must be a "dare" to its democratic system. ???. Perhaps, this is where China is more "democratic" notwithstanding their system. Even President Hu now worries and is sounding new warning.
