Sunday, January 29, 2012

A gloomy forecast for the next decade

Here is a gloomy forecast for the next decade,-says-Dr-Doom

And some words of advice for the future
Calling for a major change in policy priorities, Dr Roubini said: "We have to shift our investment from things that are less productive like the financial sector and housing and real estate to things that are more productive like our people, our human capital, our structure, our technology, our innovation."
I agree that we need to move from the non-productive to the productive sectors of the economy.


  1. Dear Singaporeans.
    Please decide which is a more productive sector for investing our reserves;
    - our children's education with smaller class sizes
    foreign bank shares

    Tell your Member of Parliament about your priorities. Ask him if he shares your values. If he does not share your values, how can he represent you in parliament?

    And vote your conscience in GE 2016.

  2. I feel very sad when bright engineers in Singapore lament they could not get rich being in the profession trained in.
    Everyone of them are looking at the estate agent and finance sectors, the most unproductive but most lucrative
    careers in money crazy Singapore.
    Better dun deceive ourselves, close down all the Engineering and Electronics Faculties in the Us, after all we are only training foreigners in these fields.

  3. In the 1990's, there was a certain agency in Singapore that believed "consumer electronics" was a sunset industry that should be phased out of Singapore.

    Well take a look at Apple today.

    If that is a sunset industry, I wish more of them would come to Singapore.

    A poor workman will always blame his tools.
    And it takes skills to bring out the best in engineers.
    When you bring out the best in engineers, you are rewarded with an entire industry .... like Steve Jobs and Apple.

    If you lack the skills, then you can always try to make a successful career investing in foreign bank shares.
    There are plenty of idiots out there with more money than brains who will listen and invest.

  4. Gloomy for whom?

    Its already gloomy for lots of people here.

    Whenever the forecast says growth will "slow" to 3-5%.. everyone shivers.. therefore, its "gloomy"

    The boss is still driving his BMW and his wife still shops in HKG.

    Whose gloom are we talking about?

  5. A bust & deleveraging of the debt ridden system is upon us. In addition there's the silver tsunami in S'pore, japan & other western countries.

    Mother of all crisis- climate crisis is gonna wreck havoc to mankind's current unsustainable economic system.
