Sunday, January 29, 2012

How to deal with a scandal

1 comment:

  1. Infidelity in modern society is a common everyday affair, just ensure you are able to handle it well, or able to wipe your mouth clean to keep it under wrap.
    If you can't and get caught with your pants down, then come out to admit it, apologise and do some form of self punishment.
    Really no big deal, most men, and some women as well, are weak in the flesh. Have the guts to confess, and stay zipped up other than in your partner's room, more so if you are a public figure.
    Dodging would fan the fires bigger and burn longer.
    Once the electronate changes heart, they would stick with the Party they voted for to represent them, private affairs aside, who could tell PAP themselves are all saints. If they are, then they are God's angels. Maybe their members are smarter, able to clean up properly after they dirty themselves.
    At Whistler Mountains in Vancouver,
    we ever caught someone from the ruling Party alone together with a woman related to a Casino family. We dun jump to conclusions there are some monkey business, if there are, so what, as long as they do their jobs well back in Singapore.
    Their private affairs are of no concern to us.
    By the way, if a public figure do stray, if you are unlucky, even thousands of miles in Canada, you could also get caught, but the chance is much slimer than doing it on home ground.
    Also remember, hell has no end in a woman's wrath, the fairer sex could be many times more vicious than men. So if you can't stay zipped up, leave the public arena and melt into the background, then you could play with abandon, then nobody would care to gossip.
