Saturday, April 28, 2012

Song from Malaysia - for the Bersih Rally

Hi Mr Tan,
Although this is from Malaysia, I thought you will find it interesting because your broad interest in politics and music.

I personally think that it is an incredible song with an incredible story. It is produced independently (meaning not linked to any political parties or the Bersih organization itself) by a lady from Johor. She was not able to make it to the Bersih rally last year because she has to take care of her paralyzed father, and to make up for it she produced this song with the help from many many volunteers. 


  1. Bersih Rally/Movement has a strong following among awaken Malaysian voters for reasons of 'INJUSTICE'.

    I met an Indian Malaysian in catholic church in KL last July. He told me that his deceased mother(passed away 8 years ago) was able to cast her vote during the last election because the ruling BN used it to maximise their chances of winning at all costs. What a dirty POLITICS?

  2. The Malaysians are making a difference to their country, but are we making a difference to our own country?
    We can't even squeak out a sound, stand out alone to protest against injustices, soon, even have our voices on the internet stuffed out by regulation, absolutely no say to protest against our hardearned reserves used indiscriminately to bail out rogue foreign banks, like Citibank, UBS, and to rub salt into our wounds, using another $5b of our reserves, to bail out high welfare Euro countries through IMF.
    The irony of our Govt, they always adhere to their motto, "Dun believe in the welfare system practised in Western Europe."
    Hey presto, then what are we doing with our $5b IMF contributions for.
    How to trust a Govt who dun practise what it preaches, and who think our country's reserves belong to them, acting like Santa Claus distributing Christmas presents around the world.
    During the Asian Financial crisis in 1997, when the Malaysian and Indonesian Govts wan Singapore to help out, our Govt was talking about loan payments and interest terms which anger our neighbours.
    There is a Chinese saying,
    " Yuan Ching Bu Ru Ling Jin", literally a close neighbour is more precious than a close relative living far away.
    Is Singapore still upholding the "orang putih" mentality of bygone colonial times. Bailing out Western welfare countries is the last straw.
    This time, we are really fuming with anger, esp when confronted with absurdly high medical bills.

  3. Tear gas fired at Bersih rally

  4. The leader declared a sucessful movement. When asked about violence, the leader wash her hands and said i want to see VDO and expect the police investigation.

    Should such scale of protest happen on this Island, violence or negative effect might happen. The worst thing is no water supply to HDB flat. How are u going to survive? Patients and babies will definitely can not survive.

    I thought there is always a better alternative in Singapore.
