Sunday, May 27, 2012

Convincing win in Hougang By-election

I congratulate Png Eng Huat for his convincing win in the Hougang by-election. He had worked hard and served the people of Hougang for more than five years. I also congratulate the voters of Hougang for their courage in voting for what is right, for what is fair and for democracy in Singapore.

I hope that this convincing win will give a strong message to the PAP Government that they have to change their policies, and tackle the root of the problems. Tweaking the old policies is not enough. Article.

They also have to respect the voters, not only in Hougang but all over Singapore. Article.

Read my past blog on this matter here:


  1. Hougang residents are a gusty bunch.

    Mr Desmond Choo was a gentleman and he will mostly likily honour his desire to serve Hougang .

    So Hougang would still have two gentlemen looking after it: one MP and one Grassroot Adviser!

    The PAP has 4 years to undo all the bad policies to show their sincerity of building "an inclusive society". Otherwise, they will have to contend with working with many Opposition come 2016 or even be out of the new Government then.

  2. If you want to know what is not right, and what is not just, read this blog from Lucky Tan,

  3. Do you hear the people sing

  4. Could TKL explain why he removed the post congratulating Desmond for putting up such a good, gentlemanly fight in this BE.
    With sincerity on the outside, good poster boy, youthful looks, hard work and respect for his opponent, he could have garnered a better showing, if not sabotaged by his older, behind the times peers.
    Starting out, he has the peoples'
    sympathies for being made a pawn by his political masters, or as one analyst said an "underdog", but Uncle Teo and PM Lee's strong arm tactical moves boomerang on poor old Desmond, that made Hougang residents feel they are voting on a National level, the big GE all over again.
    It's not Desmond boy boy's fault, he just follow the wrong leader.
    So, trying to steal WP's hammer to flatten the opponent, or resorting to "character assasination" dun work anymore. Dun work in Hougang, dun work also coming 2016 on a National Level.
    Poor Uncle Teo, he has to bear the brunt of being made a pawn also, losing face is a big blow to someone born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

  5. @yuyuan. I have re-scheduled that post to appear in 4 days time. Meanwhile, I have sent it to the ST for publication. It has a longer message, including one directed at PM Lee. You can wait to see it in the ST or in my blog in 4 days time.

  6. Desmond Choo is a good guy, sincere, cares for the people and hard working. Unfortunately he was on the wrong side. He is likeable person. My advice to Desmond is to continue to work hard for the people of Hougang. Don't think of bipartisan politics. Serving the people is more important.
    In this election he was sabotaged by his own people

  7. I am encouraged by Desmond Choo's attitude and wish him well in the future:
