Sunday, May 27, 2012

Do you hear the people sing

I dedicate this song to the brave hearts in Hougang. who knows what is right and what is just.

1 comment:

  1. The word "combative" used by Uncle Teo is strange, didn't he taunt LTK to take legal action against him for "defamation" against his man Png. Now WP has better, more important things to do than to act as childish as him.
    Who wan to follow the "combative" style adopted by PAP.
    Dun know who is "combative" here. It's like the thief calling catch thief, catch thief, while the shrill caller himself is the actual thief.
    Uncle is considered a senior citizen now, will he ever learn, he's too well enshrined in his ivory tower, too set in his ways to learn new dog tricks in a changing Singapore.
