Saturday, May 12, 2012

Don't insult Hougang

It will be difficult for PAP to win Hougang, after treating the residents unfairly for two decades. The residents have learned to live with the hardship imposed by the PAP.

A better strategy for the PAP is to treat all people fairly and justly over the next two decades, and to win over the trust that was lost.


  1. I received this email:

    yes the people who once respected and voted PAP are paying back to the ruling party for its long years of arrogance and being deaf of their concern..and for being very tough with them!

    Subject: Charles Chong's MP visit

    Last night Charles Chong, PAP MP for Joo Chiat, paid a visit to a condo housing at Siglap called Villa Marina. The Chairman of the council there is a PAP supporter. Guess what? Only 5 residents showed up out of the 432 units. And they are all PR's .......... no citizen bothered. And no wonder .......... cos Charles remarked “I don’t know why Singaporeans are upset about foreigners here.” ............. these MIW are really out of touch with the ground............ they don’t deserve to represent the citizens.

  2. Right, we are not from Hougang ward, but we wan also free porrdige, free hearing aids, job fairs, a brand new wet market, energy rebates, free medical care, etc. How come our snugly held PAP constituency dun have all these freebies and new amenities. So having a PAP GRC is no better than the Hougang SMC. So why should we vote PAP come 2016, cos having nabbed the prize, PAP just dump us aside like used tissue paper.
