Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Nostalgia - looking back 20 years

It seems that life was better two decades ago.


  1. It's the simplicity and integrity of the people that we miss most in the 60s, 70s, 80s and early 90s. After these eras, it's a matter of,
    "I take care of myself first", the average Joes and Janes and the Govt the same.
    The past Eras, make us think of Goh Keng Swee, S. Rajaratnam, the moon represents my heart dead President Ong Teng Cheong, Teng Li Jun, even my dead, eccentric and romantic art teacher, who would suddenly walk to the piano and tinkered out some classical music in the middle of an art lesson, ..........
    Nostalgia could be painful.
    Wonder whether we would feel the same when our respected LKY is no longer around.

  2. Yes. To sing "One people, One Nation, One Singapore" was much more meaningful 20 years ago. This song was first featured during the 1990 NDP(National Day Parade).

    I remembered that when I marched past the VIP stand at City Hall during NDP in 1975 and 1977, I felt a sense of nationhood and would make all the necessary sacrifices to protect our tiny island-nation. But nowadays, I couldn't be bothered anymore even to switch on the TV to watch annual "Live NDP".

  3. Living standard was better prior 2000s if one was an Executive/Supervisor and recently out of job market.

    Living standard is better if one has a good job with a right qualification. e.g. Telecommunication market, healthcare industry

  4. To michael13,
    You are not alone in your thinking. To run Singapore down in a matter of years is testimony of the poor leadership of the current leaders as true leaders inspire and motivate their people to greater heights. Is it 5 years already?

  5. To michael13 & anon 1:37pm, Me too!

    That is why, I have no urge to fgly my Singapore flag during this period.

    Not with some PRC & Union Jack joing in without any Govt /SPF/AGC firm actions. Or the law is such that foreigner can do as they like?

    Another reason for my despair!
