Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Provide better health care

Lucky Tan gave his view on providing better health care for the people. I agree with his philosophy and approach.


  1. I totally agree that there should be a single healthcare system. The govt should look into the following:

    1. Before the insurers were invited to do the integrated system, why Medishield is making a loss. Is it because of inexperience staff in the Medishield area which resulted in opening up to other insurers.
    2. The integrated system is causing confusion in the market. Agents promoting their products as 100% cover, some promote Co X due to higher commissions, etc.
    3. In the long term as policyholders health deteriorate, the integrated plans premiums increase, it will come a time they will not be able to switch plans.

    The Govt should take healthcare insurance seriously and set-up a review board excluding insurers but experienced retired practitioners to review whether a nationalised healthcare insurance plan is viable, covering 100% of hospital costs.

    With medishield premiums increasing in 2013, I am sure the integrated plans premiums will definitely rise.

    Why let insurers make money at expense of policyholders

  2. Hi Mr Tan

    May I seek your view of the impeimpending increase in MediShield Scheme.

    It does not make sense and logical that 95% of the majority are force to subsidise the 5% minority with rare illness.

    Why increase premium, which is quite hefty incidentally, and at the same time increase the deductible - it's a double whammy.

    If I already have my Basic IncomeShield that provide "as charged" cover, why must I made to pay more to get medishield cover increase to $70k.

    Can't they use the medifund to support those who are outside the private shield cover?

    Seems that it's more of trying to make more profit out of the majority.

  3. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2181288/Why-risk-dying-hospital-rise-6-cent-tomorrow.html
