Monday, August 06, 2012

$1.1 billion subsidy for public transport

The Government is setting aside a $1.1 billion subsidy to develop public transport in Singapore. However, our big operator has the funds to expand its business overseas. Why is the subsidy needed then? This is a question raised by this blogger:


  1. Maybe for the big operator there are 2 sets of funds for business, one set for overseas, another for local. And each fund mind their own business.

    Just like you got no money, it is your business, not my business. I got money is my business, nothing to do with you.

    So the local fund, being money no enough, need govt subsidy lah.

    Don't ask why I got money but you don't have lah. Complicated lah. So same thing for the transport company lah.

  2. I like the comments by Anon 1:24 pm.

    Complicated and so we dafts need not ask too much, no?

    Well, except that we do pay our taxes. Even the poorest among us pay through GST.

  3. The formula is simple. Govt will never admit to wrong decision. E.g. removing taxi from COE bidding after 22 years, revised Ministers/President salary downwards after 18 years, reducing reliance of foreign sports person after 16 years, reducing huge inflow foreign workers after more than 10 years etc. Why? Because they realize Singaporeans don't except threats & broken-record reasoning like, listen to Govt else your daughter will end up working as maid in other countries, Singaporeans are not hardworking enough, HDB is very affordable even when you earn $1,000 a month, to excel in sports is to bring in foreign sport talents and convert them to Singaporeans. FAS, Sports Councils are all linked to Govt and Politicians running these organizations. Years after Years of no-result yet they still draw high tax payer salary. What's wrong? Nothing, it just PAP politicians are seen to be more talented, capable, honest and know all as compared to non PAP politician or outsiders.

    As for pumping money into public listed company e.g. SMRT/SBS transit, they will stand by their business model until something gives way e.g. no more money to throw.

    Insanity is doing things over and over again and hoping for different result. Will the younger Ministers be very different from the older ones? I doubt given the current changes made.
