Monday, August 20, 2012

Inequality in education

Every time I read about the "fight" to get the best primary school for the children, I feel very sad. Why do we have to compete to this extent? Why can't we make the primary schools more equal? You can call it excellence but I call it inequality.,-but-fair


  1. Meritocracy.
    Equal opportunity.
    Leveling up.

    Is it time for a re-think of what they actually mean?

  2. It's not the excellence of the school that matters.
    Schools don't teach.
    They just set the exam standards.

    Private tutors teach.
    It's the excellence of the private tutors that counts.
    So who can afford private tutors?

    Just follow the money trail to get your answers.

    Some private tutors tell me they actually do the research for their students in some of these elite schools.
    No different in spirit with parents doing the same?

  3. Who created this problem with all those chaotic rules and regulations?

    No wonder our ministers are able to justify their high salaries with deliberately created problems that they can capitalise on.

  4. Why do we push all the blame to govt?? How abt parents themselves?! All along, parents want the best for their kids.. If I can send my kids to Harvard/Cambridge, wld u also lament "inequality" too?!

  5. The PAP Govt stand by their motto that they will implement right decision even if it is unpopular. I think this also means only selectively. Why?

    Ministers' Salary. They insisted and implemented
    Casino. Went ahead based on employment opportunity and not broken families and gambling addicts.
    GST. Bull doze thru' with some slack.
    Foreigners. Quietly increasing.

    As for Educational system or registeration or low birthrate, nothing much happen. Worst is to put a loyal and inexperience ex-MD of MAS to lead this mad house of unrealistic standard. Foreigners with University Qualification from a less-less harsh/standard from other Asean countries can easily replace a local grad with cheaper salary and effort in their educational system. Why are we killing ourselves and over stressing our children with a over rated educational standard while allowing other countries graduates to compete with our children. What is the government doing? We vote and pay their salary and in the end, they over stress our children and ended with no respectable jobs....

  6. well, some see it as meritocracy while others see it as unfairness.
    There is no equality in education in my opinion, it is all about the money.
    Just look at how much universities are charging. If there are some who cannot afford it and does not qualify for financial aid, does it mean that they dont deserve to study in uni?

  7. By concentrating resources in one area, the education system perpetuates a stratified society with limited mobility. This enables a large pool of average workers who can be exploited to support the elite at the apex. Otherwise there will be too many chiefs and not enough braves. To have equal opportunity for all through education will have unintended consequences for established interests.
