Monday, August 20, 2012

Things are not going right in China

The writer had praise for China in the earlier years, but found that things are not going right now.

Many of the comments apply to Singapore as well. Both countries appear to adopt the same approach towards economic development, and face similar social problems.

Here are some interesting quotes:
Modern day mainland Chinese society is focused on one object: Money and the acquisition thereof. The politically correct term in China is "economic benefit". 
 How will it lead? Unfortunately, it has forgotten. The government is so scared of the people it prefers not to lead them. 
The domestic Chinese lower education system does not educate. It is a test centre. The curriculum is designed to teach children how to pass them. 


  1. I have two young relatives who both married with PRC man/woman and migrate to PRC. They prefer Chinese education.

    While SG lost 3 NSmen !

  2. The author mentioned he is labeled "alien..outsider.." Chinese is "inward looking"

    At Beijing University, western scholars ("outsider" or "lao wei")are invited to lecture. Is that great?

    China spacemen were trained by Russian ('outsider'). Was it great?

  3. Quote 1 is related to Confucius theory : 民以食为天

    Quote 3 is also related to Confucius theory: 学而士则优

  4. Around 90yo Prof Yang, nobel prize scientist, is teaching and doing research at Tsinghua University, Beijing.He is a USA citizen or

    Prof Tu Wei Ming, formerly Harvard Professor, is teaching at Beijing University. He is also a USA citizen or 'outsider'. Prof Tu was SG MOE adviser in 1980s.
