Sunday, September 30, 2012

Follow orders

A friend asked me, "What are your views about the Ng Boon Gay's case. It is now quite confusing and does not seem to be a corruption case. Why is Ng being charged on this score? The matter is getting to be quite ridiculous."

I replied that this is typical of the Singapore system. No one wants to take the responsibility to make a judgment on the merits of the issue. They just follow orders or interpret the book strictly.


  1. My impression of this and the other under age commercial sex cases is that it was a diversion tactic!

    The news coverage were spread long and wide. Details were titillating, matching those racy novels of old.

    There are more real and immediate issues in the land.

  2. No, I think it is shifting the responsibility and onus to the judiciary and the legal system.

  3. Yes,it is very confusing. It is getting more graphic and the woman has become the victim of the defence who has no qualm to force her into confession.
    The prosecution on the other hand is also doing the same.
    It appears both sides are enjoying the lurid 'revelation' and both sides are ganging up to expose the woman. This is no good and the woman may end up broken.She is also the victim of the system.

  4. Actually, the case is pretty simple and straight forward. Ng and Cecilia Sue had sexual intercourse (I'm not going into the details), no question about that. What the defence and prosecution questioning is whether the intercourse is out of Cecilia's love for Ng or she was using that to get lucrative contract(s) from CNB.

    If it's the former, what the defence is trying to prove, there's no corruption involved and Ng will be acquitted of all charges; If it's the latter, Ng will be found guilty and send to prison, that's prosecution's objective.

    Cecilia Sue and Ng's relation will be critical to the judge's verdict. Both sides will do everything (within legal means, of course) to make the evidence to be on their side and make the judge believe that they are telling the truth, so that the verdict will be in their favour. That's why we saw such rich details of Cecilia and Ng's relation revealed in court.

    On the other hand, the witness (Cecilia Sue) might want to do some damage limitation on her reputation, so she might give a testimony more favourable to the prosecution. Meanwhile, the defence anticipated this and tried ways and means to break her down so that she can give a testimony more favourable to them.

    I don't think we should blame the defence lawyers because of this (grilling of Cecilia Sue), they are just doing their job. Their job is to get Ng Boon Gay off the hook. Whether Ng Boon Gay is corrupted or not, it's not up to them to decide. That's the job of the judge.

  5. It's not ridiculous, it's just another wayang show to divert people's attention on more serious National issues.
    How come such a spate of sex and sex related corruption cases back to back. Dun say such cases do not happen in the past. They are as old as the history of Singapore, even during LKY's glorious days.
    Sacrificial lambs are targetted to be the actors/actresses.
    Folks, stay grounded at the riveting revelations, look better than TV dramas, but dun neglect real matters affecting us.

  6. Things are getting hotter for Sue. Defence is impeaching her for perjury.
    What is the prosecution doing ? I find it is lame.Perhaps it is also enjoying the sordid details revealed.
    I pity Sue although I know what she did wasn't right.She was forced into doing it. She was taken advantage of and exploited that she fell into the trap by the offer of a contract.
    She is now being stripped in public, stoned and torn to pieces by the person who did a lot of thing s with her, made to look like slut.Even the media doesn't spare her, calling her by any conceivable names.
    Is the administration of justice so ruthless? It is huge price to pay and yet even if you win you still lose.

  7. Now the prosecution is going for Sue now.Didn't I say both have ganged up to 'persecute' Sue. That Gay fellow is not being prosecuted.

  8. Now confirmed that the whole show is orchestrated by the Govt to engage and divert public attention.
    As a woman, feel very sad to see another woman being paraded "naked" in public as a slut.
    The prosecutor is joining in the fray to save his own face.
    Dun worry, that despicable man Gay won't get away with it, he was a "willing" partner, the act is committed already.
    How he would be dealt by the Court, dun know, but he can say goodbye to his highly paid civil servant post. This is one consolation. Justice should not only be done, Justice has to be seen by the Public to be done, the Court should keep this in mind during sentencing.
    By destroying a woman, let's see the various parties would be able to live at ease. There is such a thing called retribution.
    Pray to God Cecilia won't take her own life.
