Monday, October 01, 2012

National Conversation - another angle

Alex Au presents another angle to the National Conversation. His article is worth reading.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, from the Govt budgetted Expenditure 2012, Defence takes up the highest proportion at 12.3b, whereas Ministry of Health is at only 4.7b.
    This is proof of under provision of social safety net expenses, which citizens are unhappy about, all the savings in an average household may be wiped out when someone is hit with
    a catastrophic illness.
    Some of the funding could come by reversing the allocation, MOH taking 12.3b and Defence 4.7b,just ditch the paraniod fear of imagery enemies eating up our small island state is the first step. After all,
    Govt expenditure only 15.4% of GDP at 327b is way too miserly low.
    Another source of funding has to come from taxes, esp income tax from high net worth foreigners who park money here, and from high income earners, progressing up to 40%. Many people would be glad to pay more taxes in return for a National Health plan to take care of our medical needs, setting our hearts with ease. Citizens are saying - It's better to die than to be struck down with sickness that requires expensive treatment and hospitalization. This is Third World thinking, not for a supposedly First World country.
    The foreign residents have it too easy here, low taxes and the attraction of passing on wealth free of Estate Duty Tax, and the means to buy property after property on bank credits based on high credit worth criteria, thus pushing up property prices at the expense of the locals, who have to allocate a huge proportion of household income to service their artificially high priced properties.
    So dun blame us having green eyes.
