Saturday, September 08, 2012


Please take part in these surveys

Changes in Government Policies

Make HDB flats more afforable

1 comment:

  1. A 90+yo relative who had a shop at Ah Ma Keng before 1980. After resettlement, She own a HDB shop house. She was happy with her business until dementie, stroke and vegetable ! She is still bedridden and vegetable. Her health care expenses is S$36k+++ yearly.
    This is covered by her rental income from her shop house at Jurong East St 21. Should the HDB market price adjusted downward badly, who will pay her health care expenses?

    Her elder son already passed away after liver cancer. (She is still not aware of the death of her elder son!) Her second son is retrenched from MNC. Her third son become dementie after accident. Her fourth son has small business just to survived for his own family. Her fifth son is retired after heart attack. Her sixth son is a taxi driver. Her elder daughter is 70yo and still work part-time.

    What about other elderly who don't have rental income. How can they survive in the first world standard? If they can't, calim medifund. How much tax/GST the middle & upper class wish to pay?
