Saturday, September 08, 2012

E-government services

The headline in Today's paper seems misleading. The actual ranking of Singapore in the use of the internet, in economic, social and political impact, is surprising low.

Although the Government scores reasonably well in providing information to the public through the internet, the actual process of submitting information to the government agencies is the exact opposite. It is difficult, painful and time wasting to submit returns to various agencies. The websites are too complicated to navigate. I have given my feedback to the government agencies on countless occasions.

Just as an example. Recently, I paid a fine of $120 to submit a return late to ACRA through the internet. I learned that ACRA collected $17.1 million in penalites in 2001 from late submissions. This means that 145,000 people submitted late!

If our e-government services is easy, efficient and No.1, why do 145,000 people find it difficult to comply with the requirements to file their returns?

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