Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Refusal to renew insurance

 AM DISMAYED by letters supporting Mr Tan Yau Cher
("...'Compulsory' rule must apply to insurer too"
 by Mr Leong Kok Seng, last Wednesday; and
 "4 ways for fairer renewals"
 by Mr Tan Kin Lian; last Thursday)
over NTUC Income
("No insurance renewal for dangerous driving", last Wednesday);
the first of two Income replies defending its decision against renewal.
Motorists must accept the responsibility and financial issues
that come from driving and vehicle ownership.
... let us not be unreasonable towards insurers,
for they are the ones that enable us to drive daily.

Zeng Yanzhi
My comments
There are many people who share the same view as Zeng Yanchi. They seem to think that people who drive carelessly do it on purpose.

When they meet with an accident due to a careless mistake, they will learn that accidents can happen even to careful drivers. By that time, it will be too late and they have to suffer the same fate as Mr. Tan Yan Cher. I hope that they will then be brave to accept the consequences and not ask me for help.

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