Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Property price rise will lead to inflation

I AGREE with the views
of Mr Goh Khee Kuan ("No reason to fear if property prices fall"; last Friday)
and Mr Harry Leong ("Think of the Singaporeans to come"; last Friday).
Most retirees should be very concerned
if inflation keeps creeping up as it will erode their savings.
Inevitably, there will come a time
when some of us may have to downgrade our property,
move to retirement homes
or migrate to a cheaper country to survive.


  1. It's the other way round, inflation will lead to higher property prices. When inflation finally ingrained into people's mind, they would subconsciously accept the higher prices as the norm, to be expected.

  2. "...migrate to cheaper contries.."

    If migrate, an advantage is shortest Q at private hospital in JB or Bangkok.

    My 81yo mother is referred to KTPH for a sepcialist consult. The Q is FOUR months+ l o n g.
