Saturday, December 01, 2012

Measure and calibrate


  1. Here is the latest member of the measuring club ...,-balanced,-very-deliberate-way

  2. Nice one.

    How about "deliberated"? How to measure? Oh, can use stop- watch ... LOL.

    In the army there is "Deliberated Day Attack" & "Deliberated Night Attack"...????

    But we "old birds" were not taught to carry these as SOP equipments. No wonder now "iPad" also issued as SOP...??? Got apps to do all these. LOL.

  3. Ha! That bit about Deliberated Day or Night Attacks brings to mind the Hasty Attacks.

    Problem with our "covement", is that the Instruments they used were not calibrated to established, accepted Standards.

    So whether, it was a Hasty or Deliberate affairs, the outcomes would be miles off target, if the instruments were in-accurate.
