Saturday, December 01, 2012

Joko Widodo, Governor of Jakarta

Here are some comments about Joko Widodo, the Governor of Jakarta. He was previously the Mayor of Solo (Surakarta). He is highly respected.


  1. How his countrymen adore him!

    Need to ask why we have Mayors, 5 no less in tiny Singapore?

    Who elected them, incidentally?

    Can only raise my question among my friends as no one will ask them in Parliament. Strange, isn't?

  2. In most democratic countries, the mayor is elected directly by the citizens of the town. Singapore is unique, and the mayor is appointed by the Government. That is the difference.

  3. Khuen Way
    It is all right to have a mayor for a town of 1 million residents. That is the size of Solo.
    Jakarta, with more than 10 million is too big for 1 mayor to handle, but I think Jokowi will be able to cope with it.

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