Tuesday, June 16, 2015

How to avoid a big mistake in investing your money

Each year, over 10,000 school leavers make a big financial mistake by investing in the wrong life insurance policy which locked up their savings in a poor yielding investment for 30 years. One of them share his experience here:
If you wish to avoid this mistake, you should attend this talk now. Do not delay and fall into the same trap that many fell into every year.


  1. Public intending to buy life insurance should come to this website www.compraeFirst.sg to compare first before buying life insurance directly. The direct (DPI) channel is free of commission.
    Never ,never use life insurance as saving or investment plan because they don't grow your wealth, or the returns from these product are always negative in real term. Worse endowment products are as good as scam.

  2. Don't ever buy endowment or whole life insurance plans from insurance companies , they are con job products.
    Buy the Singapore saving Bonds and earn much higher return; no lock in and capital is guaranteed even anytime you surrender, unlike insurance products which cheat you off some money.
    To avoid being conned by insurance agents is to avoid them completely.
    1.If you need insurance go directly to www.comparefirst.sg where you can compare the products and YOU NEED PAY COMMISSION when you buy them.
    2.Another place to get a good buy is from a fee based FA firm (name of the company begins with P) and buy Any INSURANCE PRODUCTS AT A DISCOUNT OF 30% and 50% from FUN supermarket.
    Why pay incompetent insurance salesmen and women who are only interested to push you expensive high commission products? They are not qualified and they are disguised as financial consultants to cheat you. They only passed those tikam tikam cmfas exams any idiots can pass.Don't trust them. They are only salesmen at best and you know salesmen are only interested in the commission. Don't be fooled that they put your interest first. How? when they are not qualified.
