Friday, May 27, 2016

Bernie Sanders is working hard in California

Sisters and Brothers,
California, here we come. A shocking new poll just came out that shows us just TWO POINTS back from Secretary Clinton in California's June 7 primary.
California Poll (May 13-22)
Public Policy Institute of California
Hillary Clinton: 46%
Bernie Sanders: 44%
The first poll of this primary in California had us losing the state by 53 percent. Now we're within striking distance of winning the most delegates in a single state of this entire election.
Winning California would send an unmistakable message to the political establishment and the Democratic convention, and that's why we have to ask for your help in two ways:
Make no mistake: every vote we earn, delegate we secure, and state we win is an affirmation of the progressive values shared by our political revolution. That's why we're going to have thousands of volunteers knocking on doors and making calls this weekend, and why we're going to work hard towards the final FEC deadline of our primary next week.
Bernie wants to see California in our win column. I do too.
Do you?
Five more states also vote with California, and we're going to fight to win there too. Let's keep our political revolution going all the way to the convention.
In solidarity,
Jeff Weaver
Campaign Manager
Bernie 2016

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