Friday, May 27, 2016

Bernie Sanders support this candidate for election into the Senate

Sisters and Brothers -
There are few people who have done more to address the obscene proliferation of money in politics than Russ Feingold.
There is also no one the Koch brothers want to keep out of the U.S. Senate more than Russ Feingold.
Russ is running to win a seat in the Senate from Republican Ron Johnson, someone who was called the Koch brothers’ "model legislator."
Russ Feingold is someone we need in the Senate, and I'm proud to endorse his campaign. Can you join me in helping elect Russ Feingold?
Let me tell you a little about what made Russ so effective when he was in the Senate. Russ was the sole vote in the Senate against the USA Patriot Act in 2001. He opposed the war in Iraq, he fought disastrous trade deals and worked to reform our health care system. Russ was also an author of the McCain-Feingold Act to reform our corrupt campaign finance system.
Meanwhile, his Republican opponent credits a Koch brothers organization with inspiring him to run for Senate in the first place. Ron Johnson wants to privatize veterans' health care and even said he supports Donald Trump as the Republican nominee.
Russ has already faced a huge influx of big money trying to keep him out of the Senate. In fact, the Koch brothers had their ads from a $2 million campaign against Russ taken off the air by TV stations when they were noted to be "false, misleading, and deceptive."
That won't be the last time the Koch brothers try to take out Russ. We need to make sure that Russ can fight back and win.
In solidarity,
Bernie Sanders

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