Thursday, October 20, 2016

Causing trouble unnecessarily - NTUC Income website

I logged into NTUC Income website to check my insurance policies. It asked me to change my password. It told me that I would receive an email within 2 minutes. It apologied for the delay during "peak hours". It never came after 10 minutes. It was not peak hours. It was 7 am in the morning.

Now NTUC Income is following the crowd to do stupid things. Why force its customer to change the password? Why have a buggy website that does not send out the email immediately?

What is the harm of keeping the old password? I hardly use it. It only provided information - which I do not consider to be important. If I did, I would have changed the password regularly on my own, without being forced to do so.

By introducing this "security feature", it is causing me to give up on accessing the website.

1 comment:

  1. it is getting more stupid becAUSE IT IS APING THE OTHER INSURERs. The agents are now like the others peddlers of products.
