Thursday, October 20, 2016

Self driving bus at NTU campus

I read a news article that Nanyang Technological University is testing the self driving bus.  I was surprised at this approach.

If NTU wants to be "driverless" they could have introduced a tram system or a LRT system using tracks. The tracked approach is more suitable for fixed routes.

They do not need the technology of the "self driving car" to provide a public transport service within its compound.

Sometimes, I wonder, if people think?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mr Tan

    I agreed with your opinion.

    In fact I don't understnd why are we wasting lots of resources on "driverless" technology.

    So what if we are "successful" in this technology.

    Wake up! This is NOT a QUANTUM leap in technology!

    What Singapore needs is a QUANTUM leap in technology not just day-to-day improvements.

    Why waste $MILLIONS on this level of technology?

