Saturday, April 23, 2016

Bernie Sander's "Medicare for All" is better than Obamacare

Obamacare is facing issues. The premiums are going higher. For profit insurers are considering to exit the market.
The problem? It is not able to control the health care cost.
My view: Bernie Sander's "Medicare for All" is a better solution.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Confusing webform in IRAS

I wanted to submit an enquiry with IRAS using this webform. It required me to enter two compulsory fields, but there was no drop down list to enter the fields.

I had to re-enter all the information on a new form.

The people who design these online systems do not know the unnecessary trouble that they give to the public. They only think about their own convenience.

Bernie Sanders and the labor dispute in Verizon

Sisters and Brothers,
The CEO of Verizon makes almost $20 million a year in compensation. He leads one of the most profitable companies in the country.
Yet Verizon wants to take away employees' health benefits. Verizon wants to outsource decent-paying jobs. Verizon wants to avoid paying federal income tax. And right now, Verizon is refusing to sit down and negotiate a fair contract with its employees.
In other words, Verizon is just another major American corporation trying to destroy the lives of working Americans. But this time, Verizon's employees are fighting back.
Thousands of very brave employees of Verizon and Verizon Wireless are on strike until they can get a fair contract. They made a very difficult decision that puts their families at risk -- but it's a choice they made to stand up for justice against corporate greed.
Twice last week in New York City I stood with Verizon workers in the streets. I did so because they're doing something very brave: they're standing up not just for themselves, but for the millions of Americans who don't have a union.
The working class of this country deserves to earn decent wages, decent benefits, and not see their jobs go to low-wage countries.
Verizon's CEO doesn't think that. He called me "contemptible" for saying that his employees need a fair contract, and that Verizon should pay its fair share in federal income taxes.
What I think is contemptible is CEOs with multi-million dollar compensation packages, presiding over extremely profitable companies, and still refusing to give their employees fair contracts.
Corporate greed is a scourge on this country, and it will take all of us standing up for justice in order to rein it in. One significant way you can stand up to corporate greed is by standing with Verizon employees who are out on strike.
Corporate America is slowly beginning to realize that they cannot have it all. Thanks for helping them know it.
In solidarity,
Bernie Sanders

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Collective sales

This website allows owners of units in condominiums to indicate their interest in a collective sale.

One condominium has started and obtained 12% of owners to express their support. This number will keep increasing over the next few weeks.

New freehold condominiums

Which is the newest condominium in Singapore that has freehold tenure? You can find the answer here:

Rental of properties

This portal allows you to view properties for rental - houses, apartments, rooms, offices. 
You can also post your listing for free.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Condominiums in Singapore

Which are the newest condominiums in Singapore? What are the oldest? Which are the biggest (in terms of number of units?) You can find the answers here.

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton win resounding victories in New York

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton notched resounding victories in New York, answering questions about their command of the race as the front-runners moved significantly closer to their party's nominations.
Their decisive wins will usher in a new phase in the 2016 presidential campaign. Both Trump and Clinton have fought bitterly for months to keep their rivals at bay, each slogging through primary contests that exposed vulnerabilities in their candidacies and campaigns.
On Tuesday, Trump came close to sweeping New York's 95 delegates -- a development that could help the Manhattan real estate mogul win the GOP nomination outright and avoid what would be a messy contested convention in July. CNN projected Trump will clear the 50% threshold to take all of New York's 14 statewide delegates.
Clinton's win, meanwhile, will go a long way in blunting the momentum of Bernie Sanders -- the liberal Vermont senator whose unexpected popularity has dogged the former secretary of state.
It was a sweet homecoming for the front-runners, who each have deep ties to New York.
Last year, Trump and Clinton -- in wildly different settings -- launched their White House campaigns in New York City. On Tuesday, it was again in Manhattan that both Trump and Clinton confidently declared that they were within reach of the nomination.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Team Bernie made 3 million calls in New York

Bernie Supporter,
Last week, when we asked for 15,000 of you to call New York, we honestly weren't sure if we could hit that target. But Sunday night when we ran the numbers, we found that you smashed through our original goal of two million calls, and put more than THREE million calls into New York in just two days.
That is simply incredible! And it could make a huge difference today.But we can't stop now. Despite a ton of on-the-ground momentum, Bernie is still down a few points in the polls this morning as New Yorkers head out to vote.
URGENT: we need 7,500 of you on the phones for one hour todayto make sure Bernie supporters in New York get out to vote. If 7,500 of you get on the phones for at least one hour, we'll put another million calls into New York when it counts the most – on primary day.
Help put us over the top. Call NY voters today!

An upset victory in New York would be game-changing for this primary and this movement, and put us on a path to win the nomination and the White House. We know we have the grassroots support to pull it off, but the critical challenge is getting Bernie's supporters to the polls. Your calls today could literally mean the difference between winning and losing tonight.
In solidarity,
Team Bernie

Monday, April 18, 2016

Bernie Sander's goals are not "pie in the sky"

Last night, while we were holding our largest rally of the campaign, a top Clinton surrogate told a much smaller audience that Hillary Clinton was under attack, and her supporters needed to "stand up and fight back, stand up against those idealists."
Let me tell you something, sisters and brothers: there is nothing we have said in this campaign that is pie-in-the-sky, that is utopian. Nothing.
We are the wealthiest country in the history of the world, and we can create an economy where nobody who works 40 hours a week lives in poverty, where health care is a right for all Americans, and where kids of all backgrounds can go to college without crushing debt.
When we launched this campaign, I told everyone they should not underestimate us and that we were running to win. They thought we were pie-in-the-sky then, too. But tomorrow we have a chance to win yet again — in Hillary Clinton’s own backyard. I need you to continue to fight with me.
The energy, intelligence, and idealism of Americans, especially young Americans, have been the greatest agents for change in this country for generations. Those qualities have also powered our campaign from the start, and it’s also what is going to help us take this country back from the billionaire class when we’re elected in November. But first, New York … tomorrow night. I need you with me.
In solidarity,
Bernie Sanders

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Bernie Sanders help to raise funds for other Democratic candidates running for Congress

Does this sound familiar to you, sisters and brothers?
"The corporations and special interests have their voice in Congress, and they have too many members scared of their power. What Congress needs is a progressive voice who is unafraid to take on these powerful interests – who is willing to fight for all Americans, not just the wealthiest 1 percent."
That's how Pramila Jayapal announced she was running for Congress.Pramila is exactly the kind of person I'm going to need in Congress when I am president. Let's help make sure she gets there.
When you think about our political revolution, sisters and brothers, I want you to think of Pramila Jayapal.
Pramila helped lead the fight for paid sick leave and a $15 minimum wage in Seattle. She's not afraid to take on powerful special interests. She's fought for immigrant rights, opposed the war in Iraq, and worked to protect Social Security.
She's also running her campaign with our political revolution. It's a people-powered movement that will change how campaigns are run — one the political establishment doesn't really like to see.
I'm asking you to add a contribution to Pramila Jayapal because she's a progressive leader and Congress needs more voices like hers. Will you join me?
Thanks for being a part of our movement.
In solidarity,
Bernie Sanders

Tuition free public colleges

Bernie Sanders was asked if this proposal to provide free tuition in public colleges also apply to students from high income families. His reply was that it applies to every student who is a resident of USA.

His basic principle is that public services, such as health care and college education, is available to all eligible persons, regardless of income.

It may appear strange to many people. Why should families who are well off be given the subsidy from the government?

The answer is straight forward - the well off families already pay higher income tax.

There is a big savings to the economy when there is no need for public officials to spend time to evaluate people who are eligible for the subsidy based on income and other criteria, and to disappoint people on the margin who are cut off from the subsidy. There is also the stigma for people who are considered to be poor and eligible for the subsidy.

Bernie Sander's approach make a lot of sense. It is productive and cost effective.

Singapore suffers from the waste of using many civil servants to spend their time on evaluating eligibility for welfare benefits based on income and other criteria. In some cases, the cost of the administrative is higher than the actual benefits provided to the recipients.

Massive crowd in New York

Bernie Sanders attracted a massive crowd of 27,000 in New York City. Will the New Yorkers be different from Singaporeans? Will the large crowds translate into solid votes for Bernie Sanders (unlike what happened in Singapore).

We will know by Wednesday morning in Singapore. New York will conduct is primary election on Tuesday. It is a closed primary, which meant that Independents cannot vote in the Democratic Primary.

Bernie Sanders had huge support from Independents. As they cannot vote in a closed primary, Bernie Sanders faced a disadvantage in New York. He had to work extra hard to overcome this disadvantage.

Watch his rally here: