Sunday, September 24, 2017

Need to improve signages in Singapore

Over the past decades, I have observed that the signages in Singapore are inadequate and confusing.

I often got lost following the signs and have to ask for directions. Often the people I asked don't know the way either.

I face this problem frequently. I followed the sign to a certain exit or destination. On arriving at a junction, the sign did not tell me whether to turn right or left. I have to walk back and see if I had missed any of the signs.

After visiting Seoul, I could see the big difference. Their signs are adequate and helpful. They even provide them in Korean, English and meaningful graphics.

They signs tell you where to go for the toilet or lift and also show you the distance in meters. The signs appears many times on the same corridor, so the public is assured that they are following the right direction.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you. Our signages have much room for improvement. Even shops especially in Shopping Malls does not have unit numbers. They advertise their shop with address of unit number but the shop does not have the number. Road signs are also not good, some directional signs are placed near to a road not targetted. There are many more.
