Monday, September 25, 2017

Unfair rejection of claim under integrated Shield plan

I have often advised consumers to stay with the basic Medishield Life and to avoid buying an integrated Shield plan.

I have been approached on many occasions from consumers for assistance with the rejection of their claims under an integrated plan.

Here is a recent example.

Read the article in full (it is quite short) and understand the issue and the risk involved.

1 comment:

  1. For the said consumer, if private health plan rejects his claim, will he still be covered by medishield? I guess so as part of them total sum he paid is for the medishield portion. He lost the additional amount he paid for the private add on.

    1)He checked with insurer before he went to be warded in private. Insurer said yes.
    2) He was within the grace period.
    3) He still paid his premium after that.
    I don't think the insurer has a case to reject.

    Unless the issue is that when he paid to resume the insurance, it is considered a new customer and his polyclinic visit was deemed a pre-existing one.

    Good to know the outcome!
